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Find updates about current initiatives and emerging work from the Philanthropic Foundations Mechanism for the Committee on World Food Security, plus a catalogue of meetings, events, statements, blogs and other contributions from across all our fields of work.


Find below the agenda of the CFS for the year 2024.

The executive division of the CFS, known as the Bureau, consists of a Chairperson and twelve member countries. The composition includes two countries from each of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, the Near East, and Latin America, and one country each from North America and South West Pacific.

Click here to access CFS Bureau Meetings 2023-2025

The Advisory group is made up of representatives from the 5 different categories of CFS Participants. These are:

  1. UN agencies and other UN bodies

  2. Civil society and non-governmental organizations particularly organizations representing smallholder family farmers, fisherfolks, herders, landless, urban poor, agricultural and food workers, women, youth, consumers and indigenous people

  3. International agricultural research institutions

  4. International and regional financial institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, regional development banks and the World Trade Organization

  5. Private sector associations and philanthropic foundations.

This diverse composition of the Advisory Group allows it to support the Bureau in advancing the Committee's objectives, specifically by establishing connections with stakeholders at regional, sub-regional, and local levels. Additionally, the Advisory Group ensures a continuous, two-way exchange of information.

Click here to access the Bureau and Advisory Group Meetings 2023 - 2025.

Click here to access the CFS meeting calendar for 2024.


Have a look at the involvement of the PFM within the CFS workstreams, consultations, plenaries and debates.

The CFS Rules of Procedure provide clear guidance on the role of the Advisory Group. In particular, they state that “the Advisory Group shall assist the Bureau by sharing with it the expertise and knowledge of the broad range of organizations it represents and its outreach to constituencies. It shall contribute regularly with substantive work to the intersessional activities of the Committee, and its members may propose issues to the Bureau for consideration” (CFS Rules of Procedure, Rule IV, paragraph 2).

CFS Bureau and Advisory Group reporting exercise

In line with their roles and responsibilities, “at the end of each inter-sessional period, each member of the Advisory Group should prepare a report to inform the Bureau about the work carried out during the year to fulfil their roles. Particular attention should be devoted to the achievements obtained in involving their constituencies and facilitating a two-way exchange of information and inputs among their stakeholders and the Committee” (CFS Rules of Procedure, Rule IV, paragraph 4).

CFS Advisory Group Reporting Exercise for the period January – December 2023 (April 2024)

CFS Advisory Group Reporting Exercise for the period January – December 2022 pp.41-43 (May 2023)

Uptake of CFS policy products: in-depth debate on enhanced efforts to increase awareness, ownership, use and usefulness of CFS policy outcomes at all levels

CFS stakeholders were invited to provide their written inputs on the Draft Outline of the Action Plan which had been prepared based on the outcomes of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) meeting held on 18 December 2023 and on the written inputs submitted by CFS stakeholders by 19 January 2024. 

Written feedbacks on the Draft Outline of the Action Plan (March 2024)

CFS policy convergence workstream on Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition

CFS stakeholders were invited to send their written inputs, highlighting their views on priority issues to be addressed during the CFS policy convergence process.

Written comment on the First Draft of CFS Policy Recommendations on Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition (May 2024)

Written comment on the Zero Draft of CFS Policy Recommendations on Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition (April 2024)

Written feedback on priority issues during the CFS policy convergence process (January 2024)

Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPoW) 2024-2027

The MYPoW (Multi-Year Program of Work) informs the decision-making of the Committee, specifically in prioritizing activities that align with its vision. The development of the MYPoW for the period 2024-2027 is currently underway, and it is expected to receive official endorsement during the CFS 51 Plenary scheduled for October 2023. This ongoing process involves the collaborative efforts of stakeholders to shape the strategic framework and action plan for the next multi-year cycle, ensuring its alignment with the Committee on World Food Security's objectives and priorities.

Written feedbacks on the first draft of the 2024-2027 MYPoW (March 2023)

CFS 51 (October 2023)

The 51st Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) was held from 23 to 27 October 2022, in a crucial point in time, with an alarming state of food security and nutrition putting the world seriously off track to achieve the Agenda 2030, including its Goal 2 “zero hunger”. For the second time in its history it was adjourned.
To enrich and complement the CFS 51 Plenary and give partners and other stakeholders an opportunity to highlight their work, CFS organized 36 side events over the five days.

PFM statement on item agenda XI. Other matters (a) Modalities for a Philanthropic Foundations Mechanism for relations with the CFS

PFM statement on item agenda VIII. Addressing multiple dimensions of inequalities

PFM statement on item agenda VII. CFS strategic direction toward 2030

PFM statement on item agenda VI. Leveraging the use of data for driving food security and nutrition policy

PFM, GAFF and AEF statements on item agenda IV. Global Interlinkages Dialogues

CFS 50 (October 2022)

The 50th Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) was held from 10 to 13 October 2022 and adjourned.
To enrich and complement the CFS 50 Plenary and give partners and other stakeholders an opportunity to highlight their work, CFS organized 30 side events over the four days. Each of these 75-minute side events enriched and complemented the CFS 50 Plenary sessions by highlighting work of stakeholders relevant to the vision and mandate of CFS, especially where CFS policy guidelines and frameworks are being effectively utilized to foster partnerships for advancing the 2030 Agenda - in particular, SDG 2.

Summary of the side event “philanthropy in times of crisis: A new approach with the CFS”

Video of the side event “philanthropy in times of crisis: A new approach with the CFS”

The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), serves as the United Nations entity responsible for evaluating scientific aspects related to global food security and nutrition. It conducts impartial, thorough, and evidence-based analyses and develops its research through a scientific, transparent, and inclusive approach.
During its 46th  plenary session (14–18 October 2019), the CFS adopted its four-year Programme of Work 2020-2023, which included a request to the HLPE to produce a report on “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition”, to be presented at the 51st plenary session of the CFS in October 2023.

PFM comments on HLPE Consultation on the 0 Draft “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition” (January 2023)

PFM comments on HLPE Consultation on the report scope - “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition”


Find here the latest updates regarding the Philanthropic Foundations Mechanism and the Committee on World Food Security.